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ABOUT 2728®

2728® was founded in Paris in 2019 and is now based in Seoul. It originated from the cultural assets of two creators—one a Creative Director and the other an Art Director—who had spent their cultural experiences in Korea and France, as well as in the fields of architecture and fashion. Through challenging fashion, 2728® aims to work toward future value. All of 2728®'s work fuses not only various art forms like architecture, scenography, film, and sociology but also strives to make new attempts across multiple disciplines.

Fashion is a medium for self-expression that goes beyond mere clothing. While the essence of fashion may be diluted by micro-trends and mass markets, we continue to imbue our garments with meaningful messages. To convey these clear messages, all content creation—such as sound and visuals necessary for collection communication—is done in-house, enabling us to deliver our messages with even greater clarity.

The 2728® wardrobe consists of structural garments, drawing from the diverse backgrounds of the directors. A key feature of the brand is its modern mood created through deformation design based on classical clothing. It operates a high-end ready-to-wear line under the name 'Humanswear,' which expresses the breaking down of traditional boundaries between women's and men's clothing.

More than just achieving visual perfection in clothing, 2728® is a fashion brand that leads a comprehensive cultural movement within the arts industry. The directors personally direct all content that communicates the story of 2728® through each collection. As a result, every element—from the music to the backgrounds that form the core of 2728®'s collections—encapsulates the collection's concept in a nuanced way. In particular, to purely realize creative inspiration, the brand utilizes computer graphic technology to create virtual humans, spaces, and more, allowing for communication across diverse media.

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회사명: 이칠이팔(2728). 대표: 윤상혁. 사업자등록번호: 570-27-00919. 통신판매업 신고번호: 2020-서울용산-2076. 주소: 서울특별시 강남구 언주로147길 44 창성빌딩. 전화번호: 02-797-2728. 이메일: store@2--7--2--8.com. 호스팅제공자: NameSilo. 법적고지 및 이용약관. 구매안전서비스: NHN 한국 사이버 결제 주식회사에 가입하여 고객님의 안전한 거래를 보장하고 있습니다.